Friday, March 19, 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021

More updates

 I have added description pages for the Riddler and Captain Hook

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Update of the website

 I have not done anything to do with my cosplays recently, I really need to get on with it but it has been a question of space. 

My workshop area is in our spare room which is currently full of Christmas presents for my Daughter who we were unable to see over Christmas plus a lot of stuff for my younger daughter which should go when she moves into her new house in a few weeks time.

Once the room is clearer I will get the false leg for Moody sorted plus a more Con friendly version of the staff. 

I am looking for bits for other cosplays and will update this blog whenever I get them.

The detailed description of Moody's costumes has been added with the normal, Yule Ball and Steampunk versions.