The Riddler


The Riddler is one of Batmans foe's and has appeared alongside the Big Bat almost since the first comic strip. 

His real name is Edward Nigma and he is a brilliant scientist who is driven mad and becomes the Riddler who uses riddles in his crimes and to attract Batman's attention.

The Costume Components

The Suit

Side by Side Comparison

The suit that the Riddler wears is very important to the overall look. I chose a rather bright light green which certainly makes you noticeable!

I bought the suit when I weighed 2 stone more than I do now and I am aiming on replacing it soon and will go for a darker green to more match the original.

The only modification I have made is the iron-on black question marks on the jacket lapels.

The Shirt, Hat, Tie and Gloves

The shirt is a standard black, mens shirt and is obtainable from any clothing retailer.

The hat is a cheap one from the Party Shop with a black question mark stuck on the front. It works but will be replaced.

The tie was found online and features pre-printed question marks.

The gloves are fairly common silky gloves and currently need replacing as they virtually fell apart the last time I wore the costume. Better quality ones will be purchased and I may go for fingerless ones instead.

The Cane

The Riddlers cane has a simple shape but could be difficult to replicate so I bought the official one as it was cheap and has the useful side effect that it is very lightweight and Convention friendly.

I would like to make a few changes to it to improve it including a green gem on the handle.

Future Plans

The suit will be updated to a less bright green version along with a new tie, gloves and updated bowler (perhaps a decent quality one and not the party shop one I have). The cane might get some work to remove the seam line and then get a coat of paint.